Classification of Administrative Action Flow
There are five (5) classifications of administrative action flows from A to E, in increasing gravity of administrative action as the frequency of the occurrence of an offense increases.
Action Flow | 1st Offense | 2nd Offense | 3rd Offense | 4th Offense | 5th Offense |
A Minor | Verbal Warning | Written Warning | 5 Days Suspension | Final Written Warning & 10 Days Suspension | Dismissal |
B Serious | Written Warning | 5 Days Suspension | Final Written Warning & 10 Days Suspension | Dismissal | |
C Severe | 5 Days Suspension | Written Warning & 10 Days Suspension | Dismissal | |
D Critical | Written Warning & 10 Days Suspension | Dismissal | |
E Criminal / Non - Corrective Offense | Dismissal | |
For infractions against "ATTENDANCE POLICIES", the notices issued to the employee shall be kept on file for one (1) calendar year. At the start of every calendar year, all employees start with a clean slate on their individual attendance record. However, all other notices for non-attendance infractions shall be kept on file throughout employment.
To reiterate and for purposes of emphasis, the following are observed as provided for under the "Special Provisions" under "Chapter 5: Organizational Policies", to wit:
- Any offense not included in the established policies will be treated on a case-to- case basis. Therefore, an employee may be subjected to disciplinary action for misconduct unfavorable to the interest of Bigfoot other than those listed therein.
- Bigfoot reserves the right to impose a heavier or lighter penalty than what is specified in the Table of Offenses for a particular offense if the damage caused and the aggravating and/or mitigating circumstances attending to its commission warrant it.
- The imposition of any of the preceding penalties is without prejudice to the filing of appropriate criminal and/or civil actions against the parties concerned.
RULE I: Violations on Attendance Policies
1. Absence Without Official Leave or AWOL (Every 1 day AWOL is equivalent to 1 offense) | 1.1. Failure to file for leave request and/or incurring absence on filed but unapproved leave | C |
2. Failure to Inform HR | 2.1. Failure to inform HR on the day of absence due to sickness, emergency or personal matter that needs immediate attention, wherein leave request has been approved upon filing | A |
3. Failure to File for Leave | 3.1. Failure to submit approved leave request within the prescribed period, wherein info has been given to HR and department head |
A |
4. Tardiness (Every 2 times tardy in a payroll period is equivalent to 1 offense) | 4.1. Logging in for work after 10 minutes but not more than 60 minutes of the expected login schedule | A |
5. Unauthorized Undertime | 5.1. Logging in for work more than 1 hour after the expected login schedule | A |
5.2. Logging out for work at least 1 minute before the expected logout schedule | A |
RULE II: Violations on Administrative Policies
1. Extended Breaks or Taking Snacks or Meals at Restricted Areas | 1.1. Failure to observe proper break schedule or having extended break periods without the permission of the immediate superior or department head | A |
1.2. Taking of snacks or meals at restricted areas | B | |
2. Improper Dress Code | 2.1. Reporting for work wearing unacceptable attire | B |
3. Company Transportation | 3.1. Unauthorized use of Company vehicle | C |
RULE III: Violations on Health, Security, and Safety Policies
1. Violation on ID or Access | 1.1. Not wearing of the complete set of pass/ID and official sling | A |
1.2. Wearing/using another employee's ID to gain entry/access inside the Company | B | |
1.3. Failure to log in during time of arrival for work | A | |
1.4. Failure to log out during the time of departure for work. | A | |
1.5. Logging another employee in or out upon request or instruction | C | |
1.6. Unauthorized lending of one's identification card to co-employees within Company premises | C | |
1.7. Unauthorized lending of one's identification card to non-employees within Company premises | E | |
1.8. Failure to bring ID card |
A | |
1.9. Misplacement of or damage to Company identification card | A | |
1.10. Unauthorized possession of master keys and/or pass codes of similar characteristics that can access any other employee's drawers, rooms, files and/or offices | C | |
2. Violation on Access/Entry | 2.1. Unauthorized entering of identified restricted or controlled areas within the Company | B |
3. Infectious/Serious Disease | 3.1. Concealment and/or failure to inform HR for having any contagious disease which may endanger the health of other employees, consultants and/or Company visitors | E |
4. Noncompliance with Company Medical Requirements | 4.1. Willful disobedience to undergo medical examinations and other tests provided by the Company | C |
5. Not Observing Sanitation and Hygiene | 5.1. Littering and/or scattering of garbage within Company premises or at any other Company related activities | B |
5.2. Failure to practice proper personal hygiene | A | |
6. Violation on No Smoking Policy | 6.1. Smoking in areas where gasoline, petroleum or highly flammable materials are stored or in such areas declared as "no smoking" | D |
RULE IV: Violations on Communication Policies
1. Unauthorized Use of Communication Medium | 1.1. Unauthorized putting up of notices, announcements, posters, placards or other similar materials and/or distributing leaflets or flyers within Company premises | A |
2. Unofficial Meetings | 2.1. Holding of meetings without the knowledge of the Company or department heads | B |
3. Unauthorized Use of Electronic Communications | 3.1. Using email for non-work related purposes including but not limited to sending or forwarding electronic mail chain letters, spamming, attaching files exceeding 3 MB, etc. | B |
4. Incorrect Email Signature | 4.1. Failure to observe correct email signature format | A |
5. Incorrect Email Correspondence | 5.1. Failure to observe proper structure in email correspondence | A |
6. No Out of Office Auto-Reply | 6.1. Failure to activate one's out of office auto-reply message | A |
7. Unofficial Use of Instant Messenger | 7.1. Unauthorized use of unapproved software | B |
7.2. Using Company instant messenger for non-work related purposes | B | |
8. Improper Handling of Phone Calls | 8.1. Improper handling of phone calls resulting to complaints from other employees or clients | A |
9. Non-English Communication | 9.1. Failure to use the English language as the standard and primary mode of verbal or written communication | A |
RULE V: Violations on ICT Policies Relating to Securing Hardware, Peripherals and other Equipment
1. Violation on Consumables | 1.1. Unauthorized use of removable storage media | C |
2. Violation on Working Offsite or Using Outsourced Processing | 2.1. Unauthorized use of portable computers | C |
2.2. Unauthorized moving of hardware from one location to another | B | |
3. Violation on Other Hardware Issues | 3.1. Failure to lock computer screen when not in use | A |
3.2. Failure to observe login procedure | A | |
3.3. Incorrect dealing with answering machines/voice mail | B | |
3.4. Unauthorized taking of equipment off company premises | C | |
3.5. Improper cleaning of keyboards and screens | A |
RULE VI: Violations on ICT Policies Relating to Controlling Access to Information and Systems
1. Violation on Controlling Access | 1.1. Unauthorized access to sensitive information | D |
RULE VII: Violations on Purchasing and Maintaining Commercial Software
1. Violation on Purchasing and Installing Software | 1.1. Using unlicensed software | C |
2. Violation on Software Maintenance and Upgrade | 2.1. Unauthorized upgrading of software | B |
RULE VIII: Violations on ICT Policies Relating to the Compliance of Legal and Policy Requirements
1. Violation on Avoiding Litigation | 1.1. Using copyrighted information from the Internet | D |
1.2. Sending copyrighted information electronically | D | |
1.3. Using text directly from reports, books, or documents | D |
RULE IX: Violations on ICT Policies on Addressing Personnel Issues Relating to Security
1. Violation on Confidential Personnel Data |
1.1. Unauthorized access to all information created and stored on the Company's systems | D |
1.2. Unauthorized handling of confidential employee information | D | |
1.3. Unauthorized sharing of employee information with other employees | D | |
2. Violation on Personnel Information Security Responsibilities | 2.1. Failure to keep passwords/PIN numbers confidential | C |
2.2. Using email for personal reasons | C | |
2.3. Personal use of telephone systems | B | |
2.4. Personal use of the Company's toll access | C |
RULE X: Undesirable Conduct and Behavior
1. Insubordination | 1.1. Willful disobedience against a reasonable instruction by a superior including but not limited to: | |
1.1.1. Using of offensive language, verbal or written, when communicating to a superior or any of its authorized representatives in connection with one's work | C | |
1.1.2. Displaying of inappropriate actions/gestures in replacement of verbal or written statements to show disgust, protest and anger to a superior or any of its authorized representatives. | C | |
2. Fighting and/or Aggressive Behavior | 2.1. Fighting or creating a disturbance which adversely affects morale or operations, causes injury to others and/or Company property, or is detrimental to the maintenance of proper discipline. | D |
2.2. Provoking, attempting to inflict harm, fighting and/or assaulting another employee or any of an employee's immediate family members and/or visitors within Company premises or in Company related activities. | D | |
3. Threatening, Abusive or Offensive Language | 3.1. Using language which is obscene or disrespectful to cause insult toward the public, supervisor, or any other employee. | B |
3.2. Using language which is threatening, abusive, or libelous to cause dishonor, discredit, contempt or embarrassment toward the public, supervisor, or any other employee. | C | |
4. Conduct Unbecoming of an Employee | 4.1. Horseplay, shouting, excessive laughing or actions which are intended to be mischievous or prankish rather than malicious, but which result in physical or verbal argument. | A |
4.2. If the
above disrupts work, causes injury to others and/or damage to Company
properties and/or properties owned by third parties. (The erring employee shall bear any monetary costs associated with such an act.) |
B | |
4.3. Misrepresentation of the Company in external functions. | D |
RULE XI: Violations on Work Standards
1. Negligence | 1.1. Bigfoot does not allow employee's inefficiency or willful lack of care or proper attention resulting in the violation or non-observance of established work policy, law, or assigned duty. | C |
2. Loafing or Using Company Time and/or Resources for Non-Work Related Purpose | 2.1. The continued idleness or non- productiveness during working hours which diverts the employee from performing assigned tasks is prohibited. This may also include using Company time and/or resources for personal or other non-work related purposes. | |
2.1.1. Sleeping | D | |
2.1.2. Playing games or unauthorized audio/video files | C | |
2.1.3. Unauthorized use of the Internet such as web browsing, or accessing the Internet for non-work related purposes | C | |
2.1.4. Malingering | D | |
2.1.5. Loitering, abandonment of work, or leaving work assignments and or work premises without permission from the immediate superior | D | |
3. Unauthorized Stay During Non-Office Hours | 3.1. Unauthorized stay during non-office hours using Company resources for personal or other non-work related purposes. | C |
4. Unfair Labor Practices | 4.1. Retaliation against an employee and/or to is/her family due to that employee's filing of a grievance, complaint or appeal, including the employee's use of informal review process is not allowed. | D / E (Depending on the gravity) |
5. Destruction or Damage to Company Property | 5.1. Any accidental and/or erroneous acts damaging Company property or assets: | |
5.1.1. If the amount/merchandise is Php1,000.00 and below | B |
5.1.2. If the amount/merchandise exceeds Php1,000.00 | C |
(In addition to the penalty, the employee has to pay the value of the actual damage.) | |
5.2. Gross negligence damaging Company property or assets, irregardless of amount | D |
5.3. Willful, deliberate and/or intentional acts damaging Company property or assets | E |
5.4. Willful, deliberate and/or intentional acts damaging property of employees, clients or guests | E |
5.5. Failure to report any damaged equipment, materials or any Company property to management | |
5.5.1. If the amount/merchandise is Php1000 and below | A |
5.5.2. If the amount/merchandise exceeds Php1000 but less than Php10,000. | B |
5.5.3. If the amount /merchandise is Php10,000 and above | C |
5.6. Reckless driving resulting in an accident where a third party has been injured or where Company service vehicle has been damaged and/or properties have been damaged. | D |
5.7. Reckless driving resulting in an accident where a third party has been killed. | E |
6. Unauthorized Sales, Distribution of Written or Printed Material of Any Kind, or Solicitation on Company Premises | 6.1. Unauthorized selling, solicitation or collecting contribution from employees for any purpose without prior written permission of the Company. | B |
6.2. Engaging in unauthorized sale of Company property for personal benefit or for pecuniary gain. | E | |
6.3. Soliciting or receiving money and/or in kind from suppliers or customers, with or without conditions. | E | |
6.4. Entering into arrangements with suppliers, customers, or 'kickbacks' or other preferential treatment. | E | |
6.5. Borrowing of money or merchandise using Company authority, position or title. | C | |
6.6. Giving or accepting a bribe. | E | |
7. Moonlighting | 7.1. Having a second job or working in another Company and/or work for the same line of business without prior written permission from management. | E |
8. Non-cooperation in Any Company Activity or Official Group Work | 8.1. Unless otherwise excused, everyone is expected to participate and/or extend assistance in Company activity or official group work after consent from (immediate) superior that such will not interfere/hinder in | B |
RULE XII: Acts of Immorality
1. Harassment | 1.1. Any acts of harassment at all times within Company premises and at any place during Company related activities, such as but not limited to threatening/coercing an employee to perform non work related favors, maliciously touching delicate body parts of other employees, displaying acts of perversion, and sending pornographic materials in addition to harassment and/or acts as defined under the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act. | E |
2. Obscene Behavior | 2.1. Engaging in scandalous or indecent acts within Company premises or at any place during Company official business or Company related activities. | D |
2.2. Exhibiting or viewing pornographic materials, pictures, films or literature. | D | |
3. Discrimination | 3.1. Willful violation of written rules, policies, and/or statutes prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, creed, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability or veteran's status is prohibited. | C |
RULE XIII: Acts of Dishonesty
1. Theft, Stealing, or Substituting of Materials | 1.1. Attempted, frustrated and/or consummated robbery, theft or pilferage of Company property or other belongings of customers, clients, guests, and other employees. | E |
1.2. Unauthorized substituting or attempting to substitute any Company materials or equipment regardless of quality and/or value with the intent to defraud. | E | |
2. Falsification or Fraudulence | 2.1. The willful and deliberate misrepresentation or omission of any facts submitted to the Company, either verbally or in writing with the intent to defraud or otherwise mislead. | E |
2.2. Swindling and/or falsification of Company records/reports or documents. | E | |
2.3. Deliberate declaration of false material information or personal data within employment with the Company. | E | |
2.4. Spreading of any false information/rumors about an employee, guest, client or third party having transaction with the Company. | E | |
2.5. Deliberately circulating false, vicious or malicious statement about the Company and its products, services or reports. | E | |
2.6. Engaging or conniving in anomalous transactions. | E | |
2.7. Giving false testimony or withholding information during an official investigation. | E | |
2.8. Misappropriation or malversation of Company funds/assets. | E | |
3. Breach of Confidentiality | 3.1. Disclosure of confidential Company information including but not limited to Company records, trade secrets, financial operation statements, and other documents towards outside parties | |
3.1.1. If it is directly related to Company's operations and/or strategies | E |
3.1.2. If it is indirectly related to Company's operations and/or strategies | D | |
3.2. Bringing confidential Company documents and/or files outside the Company premises without prior written authorization of management. | D |
RULE XIV: Criminal Acts
1. Gambling | 1.1. Betting money on Company premises and/or in connection with any of its activities. | B |
2. Use and/or Possession of Intoxicants or Non-Prescribed Drugs | 2.1. Distribution, possession or use of alcohol in Company premises, except during official Company events where alcohol intake is allowed. | D |
2.2. Unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession or use of prohibited substances (e.g. narcotics or illegal drugs) on or outside Company premises. | E |
2.3. Unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession or use of controlled substances on or outside Company premises, except when prescribed by a licensed medical doctor. | E |
3. Possession of Unauthorized Weapons and/or Firearms | 3.1. Possession of unauthorized weapons and/or firearms in Company premises, or in connection with any of its activities is prohibited. | E |
4. Charged With, Taking Part In or Conviction of a Misdemeanor or Felony | 4.1. Conviction for a misdemeanor or felony as a result of a crime committed on or off the job, which negatively affects the employee's ability to perform the duties of the position, whether immediately or in the future. | E |