Undesirable Conduct and Behavior


  1. The willful disregard of or disobedience against a reasonable instruction by a superior or any authorized representatives is considered insubordination. This act includes but is not limited to the following:
    1. Using offensive language, verbal or written, when communicating to a superior or
      any of its authorized representatives in connection with one's work; and,
    2. Displaying of uncalled for actions/gestures in replacement of verbal or written statements to show disgust, protest and anger to a superior or any of its authorized representatives.
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Fighting and/or Aggressive Behavior

  1. Fighting and/or creating a disturbance which adversely affects morale and/or operations, causes injury to others and/or Company property, and/or is detrimental to the maintenance of proper discipline.

  2. Physically provoking behavior, attempting to inflict harm, fighting and/or assaulting another employee or any of an employee's immediate family members, consultants and/or any of the Company visitors within Company premises or in Company related activities.
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Threatening, Abusive or Offensive Language

  1. Using language which is obscene and/or disrespectful to cause insult toward the public, supervisor, or any other employee.

  2. Using language which is threatening, abusive, or libelous to cause dishonor, discredit, contempt and/or embarrassment toward the public, supervisor, or any other employee.
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Conduct Unbecoming of an Employee

  1. Horseplay, shouting, excessive laughing and/or actions which are intended to be mischievous or prankish rather than malicious, but which result in physical or verbal argument, disruption of work, injury and/or damage to Company properties. (The erring employee should indemnify/shoulder the costs of such an act.)

  2. Misrepresentation of the Company in external functions.
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Violations on Work Standards


Employee's inefficiency, or willful lack of care or proper attention which results in the violation or non-observance of established work policy, law, or assigned duty.
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Using Company Time for Non-Work Related Purpose

The continued idleness or non-productiveness during working hours which diverts the employee from performing assigned tasks. This may also include using Company time and/or resources for personal or other non-work related purposes, such as but not limited to the following, to wit:
  1. Sleeping
  2. Playing games or unauthorized audio/video files
  3. Unauthorized use of the Internet such as web browsing, or accessing the Internet for non-work related purposes
  4. Malingering
  5. Loitering, abandonment of work, or leaving work assignments and or work premises without permission from the immediate superior
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Unauthorized Stay During Non-Office Hours

Unauthorized stay during non-office hours using Company resources for personal or other non-work related purposes.
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Unfair Labor Practices

Retaliation against an employee and/or to his/her family and/or loved ones due to that employee's filing of a grievance, complaint or appeal, including the employee's use of informal review process.
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Destruction or Damage to Company Property

  1. Any accidental or erroneous acts damaging Company property or assets.

  2. Gross negligence resulting in the damage of Company property or assets.

  3. Willful, deliberate and/or intentional acts damaging Company property or assets.

  4. Willful, deliberate and/or intentional acts damaging employee property.

  5. Failure to report any damaged equipment, materials or any Company property to management.

  6. Reckless driving resulting in an accident where a third party has been injured or where Company service vehicle has been damaged and/or where properties owned by others are damaged.

  7. Reckless driving resulting in an accident where a third party has been injured or killed.

  8. The erring employee shall pay/indemnify the Company or employee for the losses or damage caused.
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Unauthorized Sales, Distribution or Solicitation

The following practices are prohibited by Bigfoot:
  1. Unauthorized sales, solicitation or collecting contribution from employees for any purpose without prior written permission of the Company.

  2. Engaging in unauthorized sale of Company property for personal benefit and/or for pecuniary gain.

  3. Soliciting and/or receiving money and/or in kind from suppliers or customers, with or without any conditions in exchange of.

  4. Entering into arrangements with suppliers, customers, or guests in order to obtain "kickbacks" or other preferential treatment. It is absolutely prohibited for any employee, consultant, contractor, vendor or service provider to receive, take or accept, or to give, provide or supply (directly or indirectly), any form of compensation or gift from or to any employee, consultant, contractor, vendor or service provider in connection with the performance of any service or project for Bigfoot.

  5. Borrowing of money or merchandise utilizing the work authority, position and/or title.

  6. Giving or accepting a bribe.
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Having a second job or working in another Company and/or work for the same line of business without the prior written permission from management is not allowed.
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Non-cooperation in Company Activity or Official Group Work

Unless otherwise excused for valid reasons, everyone is expected to participate and/or extend assistance in all Company activity or official group work after consent from (immediate) superior that such will not interfere/hinder in accomplishing work assignment.
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Acts of Immorality

Anti-Sexual Harassment

(As Per Republic Act No. 7877)

Bigfoot upholds the dignity of employees and applicants for employment and prohibits acts of harassment that are sexual in nature or intent.
  1. The policy encompasses any acts of harassment at all times within Company premises and any place during Company related activities, such as but not limited to threatening/coercing an employee to perform non-work related favors, maliciously touching sensitive body parts of other employees, displaying acts of perversion and pornographic materials in addition to harassment. The policy encompasses any acts of harassment at all times within Company premises and any place during Company related activities, such as but not limited to threatening/coercing an employee to perform non-work related favors, maliciously touching sensitive body parts of other employees, displaying acts of perversion and pornographic materials in addition to harassment.

    As further defined in R.A. 7877, an act is considered as a form of sexual harassment in a work setting if:

    1. The sexual favor is made as a condition in the hiring or in the employment, re-employment or continued employment of said individual, or in granting said individual favorable compensation, terms, conditions, promotions or privileges, or the refusal to grant the sexual favor results in limiting, segregating or classifying the employee which in any way would discriminate, deprive or diminish employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect said employee;
    2. The above acts would impair the employee's rights or privileges under existing labor laws; or,
    3. The above acts would result in an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for the employee.

  2. An organized Committee on Decorum and Investigation (CODI) shall investigate any report on harassment.

  3. If the suspected individual happens to be an employee of the Company, he/she may be advised to take a work leave without pay while investigation is ongoing.

  4. Relevant evidence will be presented to top management by the CODI. Once case is resolved, appropriate action shall be taken as per the Company's Table of Offenses and/or the Labor Code of the Philippines, as amended.
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Obscene Behavior

  1. Engaging in scandalous or indecent acts within Company premises or at any place during Company official business or Company related activities.

  2. Showing, exhibiting, or viewing pornographic materials, pictures, films or literature.
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Willful violation of written rules, policies, and/or statutes prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, creed, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability or veteran's status.
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Acts of Dishonesty

Theft, Stealing or Substituting of Materials

  1. Attempted, frustrated and/or consummated robbery, theft or pilferage of Company property or other belongings of customers, clients, guests, and other employees.

  2. Unauthorized substituting or attempting to substitute any Company materials or equipment regardless of quality and/or value with the intent to defraud.
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Falsification or Fraudulence

  1. The willful and deliberate misrepresentation and/or omission of any facts with the intent to defraud or otherwise mislead.

  2. Swindling and/or falsification of Company records/reports or documents.

  3. Deliberate declaration of false information or personal data during employment with the Company.

  4. Circulation of any false data or information about an employee, guest, client or third party having transaction with the Company.

  5. Deliberately making false, vicious and/or malicious statement about the Company and its products, services or reports.

  6. Engaging and/or conniving in anomalous transactions.

  7. Giving false testimony and/or withholding information during an official investigation.

  8. Misappropriation of Company funds/assets.
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Breach of Confidentiality

  1. Disclosure of confidential Company information including but not limited to Company records, trade secrets, financial operation statements, and other documents towards outside parties.

  2. Removing confidential Company documents and/or files from Company premises without prior written authorization of management.
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Criminal Acts


Betting money within Company premises and/or in connection with any of its activities.
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Use and/or Possession of Intoxicants or Non-Prescribed Drugs

  1. Distribution, possession or use of alcohol on Company premises, except during official Company events where alcohol intake is allowed.

  2. Unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession and/or use of controlled substances (e.g. narcotics or illegal drugs) on Company premises and/or in connection with any Company activities, except when prescribed by a licensed medical doctor.
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Possession of Unauthorized Weapons and/or Firearms

Possession of unauthorized weapons and/or firearms in Company premises, or in connection with any of its activities.
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Conviction of a Misdemeanor or Felony

Being convicted of a misdemeanor or felony as a result of a crime committed on or off the job which adversely affects the employee's ability to perform the duties of the position whether immediately or in the future will result in disciplinary action.
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