Disciplinary Action

In order for all employees to conduct themselves according to generally accepted standards of behavior and performance, Bigfoot has formulated a procedure for disciplinary action. This procedure addresses offenses made by employees where rehabilitative measures are administered through the process of progressive discipline.

Progressive discipline is a series of attempts to reform underperforming employees via verbal and/or written performance warnings. This ensures that Bigfoot acts reasonably and documents the effect of the worker's unwillingness or inability to do one's job.

Employees reported to have committed violations against Company policies are to undergo fair investigation initiated by the HR Department in coordination with the Committee on Discipline and Investigation. Once found guilty of the charges, Bigfoot shall administer proper disciplinary action in the form of a verbal warning, written warning, suspension, final written warning and/or dismissal, depending on the nature and/or gravity of the offense.

Verbal Warning
As the initial step in the progressive disciplinary process for minor offenses, Verbal Warning may also be associated with a counseling session between the employee and the HR representative or the head of the department concerned. Though only a verbal disciplinary action, documentation is still necessary in order to preserve chain of action.
Written Warning
Written Warning refers to another type of corrective action that is more serious than the verbal warning. It serves as a formal notice that a serious infraction has occurred or that the directives outlined in a previous verbal warning were breached.
Final Written Warning
The final written warning refers to a last-chance agreement between employer and employee regarding sustainable, improved performance or conduct. In the event that an employee commits a similar infraction at this stage of the disciplinary process, dismissal is not an option. If there is still a failure to improve and/or the conduct or performance is still unsatisfactory, or if the misconduct is sufficiently serious to warrant a written warning but insufficiently serious to justify dismissal, a final written warning matched with suspension for a number of working days will normally be given to the employee.
Preventive Suspension
Preventive suspension is imposed upon an employee where his/her continued employment poses a serious and imminent threat to the life or property of the company or of his co-workers. The preventive suspension may last for thirty (30) days and the employee is not entitled to pay. However, the preventive suspension may continue beyond thirty (30) days but the employee is now entitled to his pay.

Preventive suspension is incident to investigation. It is not itself the penalty for the offense, although it may be considered as such after the offense is proven and the appropriate penalty determined.
Suspension is also known as leave without pay and is recommended in cases involving willful misconduct or actions with malicious intent, or in infractions repeatedly committed. The number of days an employee is suspended depends on the severity of the offense or frequency of the same or similar offense committed.
Dismissal is also referred to as discharge or termination. It is the culmination of the progressive discipline process wherein employee's service is severed by employer for just cause. In such cases, the employee has committed a very grave offense or otherwise has repeatedly committed an offense with below standard sign of improvement in behavior or performance, despite corrective interventions by the Company.
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General Provision

Any act or offense not stated but is analogous to a Rule and/or Section of the Table of Offenses, the corresponding disciplinary action will be in accordance to the stated offense.

Otherwise, any act or acts committed not specifically mentioned in the policies under Attendance, Administrative, Communication, Health, Security and Safety, Information Technology, and Standards of Performance and Conduct will be governed by provisions of the Labor Code of the Philippines or Criminal/Civil Code or any applicable law of the Philippines.

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Special Provisions

Any offense not included in the established policies will be treated on a case-to-case basis. Therefore, an employee may be subjected to disciplinary action for misconduct unfavorable to the interest of Bigfoot other than those listed herein.

Bigfoot reserves the right to impose a heavier or lighter penalty than what is specified in the Table of Offenses for a particular offense if the damage caused and the aggravating and/or mitigating circumstances attending to its commission warrant it.

The imposition of any of the preceding penalties is without prejudice to the filing of appropriate criminal and/or civil actions against the parties concerned.

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Bigfoot reserves the right to change, amend and/or revise at any time the Company policies, rules and regulations; amendments and/or revisions must be served in the form of issued memoranda in which revisions, additions, and/or deletions shall be made effective on the date specified in the circulated copy via email.

It is the responsibility of the employees to update themselves and fully understand the changes, amendments and/or revisions. Ignorance of the rules and regulations is never an excuse to be exempted from the imposition of the disciplinary action whenever a violation is committed.

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Administrative Policies

Personal Records

Employees, consultants and interns are required to inform Human Resource Office on any changes in their qualification, address, contact numbers (cell phone and landline), marital status and number of dependents to ensure that their personal records (201 file) remain current and updated.

In addition, all those who, in the nature of their work, deal with suppliers, contractors and/or sub-contractors in any project or undertaking must require the same to inform management on any change in their address and contact numbers by sending an official notification via email to the Executive Assistant to the Chief and copy Human Resource at hr@bigfootstudios.com.

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Taking Snacks or Meals

Employees must take their regular meals at the pantry or cafeteria, and observe proper break schedules. Extended breaks are not allowed unless otherwise approved by the department head.

Implementing Guidelines
  1. All employees are allowed to take their light snacks, including but not limited to, biscuits, cookies, chips, coffee, chocolate drink, soda, etc. at available pantries or at respective workstations.
  2. Regular meals (i.e. lunch and dinner) should be taken at the respective pantries.
  3. Employees who have enclosed workstations are allowed to take their snacks and regular meals inside, provided that they will clean the area after their snacks and/or regular meals.
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Dress Code and Grooming

All employees are expected to report for work wearing acceptable casual business attire.

Implementing Guidelines

Listed below is a general overview of acceptable casual business wear as well as a listing of some of the more common items that are not appropriate for the office. Wearing of inappropriate attire shall not be allowed to enter the premises of the Company:

  1. Pants and trousers (for men and women)
    • Acceptable: Slacks, jeans, calf-length pants and knee-length business shorts
    • Unacceptable: Short shorts and leggings
  2. Shirts and tops (for men)
    • Acceptable: T-shirt, short-sleeved and long-sleeved shirts
    • Unacceptable: Sleeveless shirt and muscle shirt
  3. Shirts and tops (for women)
    • Acceptable: T-shirt, blouse, short-sleeved and long-sleeved shirts, button-down shirt, dress shirt, sleeveless tops that are not revealing
    • Unacceptable: Spaghetti-strapped tank top, tube top, tops with plunging neckline, midriff shirt and backless shirts

      Note: Unacceptable tops may be worn under a blazer, jacket or any outer garment that can cover overexposed regions of the skin, while inside the Company premises and/or during work time.

  4. Dresses and skirts (for women)
    • Acceptable: Casual dresses, skirts no shorter than 4 inches above the knee
    • Unacceptable: Mini-skirt, spaghetti-strap, strapless and backless dresses, and dresses with plunging necklines
  5. Footwear (for men and women)
    • Acceptable: Leather and rubber shoes, sneaker, sandal, leather flip-flops and slippers
    • Unacceptable: Plastic or rubber flip-flops and slippers
  6. Any tattered, dirty or see-through clothing is unacceptable.
  7. Clothing that reveals too much cleavage, back, chest, stomach or underwear is not acceptable, e.g. see-through material.
  8. Clothing printed with offensive and vulgar words, logos, slogans and pictures is unacceptable.
  9. Tattered or dirty clothing is unacceptable.
  10. Visible tattoos and body piercing other than pierced ears are generally unacceptable. However, these may be considered on a case-to-case basis upon approval of management.
  11. Improper grooming as shown in wild/eccentric hairstyle and wrinkled clothing is unacceptable.
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Company Transportation

The Company transportation service is exclusive for business related use. Only authorized personnel can use the Company vehicle.

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Administrative Approval Matrix

Request for Payment
  • - Utilities (Electricity/ H20 / Phone bills/ DSL bills, etc.
  • - Rent
  • - Project * (with Contract / P.O.)
    • Down payment / Progress billing, etc.

Maintenance Staff

Department Concerned
Senior Accountant


Division Head Concerned
Request for Cash Advance (only those with blanket approval from the Chief as practiced) Employee concerned Immediate Superior / Department Head Division Head Concerned
Purchase Requisition Slip (PRS)
- Up to P100,000
- Over P100,000
User Immediate Superior/ Division Head CEO
Purchase Order Purchasing Assistant Division Head Concerned
Reimbursement of Expenses / Liquidation of Cash Advance Employee concerned Immediate Superior/Department Head Division Head Concerned
Personnel Requisition Form
- Local
- Foreign
Department Head CEO / Chief
Promotion Immediate Superior / Department Head CHRO CEO / Chief
Salary Adjustment Immediate Superior / Department Head HR CEO / Chief
Budget and Cash Requirement
  • - Production Budget
  • - Monthly requirement for Operations
  • - Division

Division Head


Accounting Forms
  • - Accounts Payable Voucher / Check Voucher
  • - Journal Voucher (Includes entries for Official Receipt/ Sales Invoice / Credit memo)

Accounts Payable Staff
Senior Accountant

Accounting Supervisor

Finance Head

Finance Head
Gate Pass Staff Concerned Admin / Finance
Gas Purchase Order Driver Motorpool Head / Producer CHRO / Alternate Signatory of P.O.
Equipment Rental Form Equipment Custodian Studios Head CEO / Chief
Clearance Employee Immediate Superior / Head of Entity CHRO


  1. Invoice or Billing Statement
    • Used for billing BFE / IFSH
    • Check - no bank charges; clearing is around 3 weeks when deposited to a local bank
    • Wiring - with bank charges of around US$10 per wire If payment is made via wire transaction, employee must ensure all bank information is complete to avoid inconvenience. Refer to the bottom of the invoice for reference.

  2. Request for Payment
    • To be attached to the invoice of the supplier
  3. Request for Cash Advance
    • Cash advances should be liquidated within three (3) working days after use of cash advance.
  4. Request for Reimbursement/Liquidation of Cash Advance
    • Indicate the details and the amount. If it is representation, indicate with whom and purpose, if it's materials, for what, transportation and travel, going where, etc.
    • Attach all Original Cash Invoice or Official receipt for support. Tape receipts are acceptable as long as the amount and the name of establishment are readable
  5. Purchase Requisition Slip
    • To be filled-up for any asset or service needed
    • Indicate the date it is needed
  6. Incident Report Form
    • To be filled-up for any asset or service needed
    • To be filled-out when loss or damage to an asset happens
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  1. Executive Approval
    • If an executive approval is outdated by 30 days, new approval or reminder should be sought.
  2. Courier Service
    • Use of Federal Express (FEDEX) or any other air courier is not allowed unless with MG's prior approval.
    • Sending of documents to Hongkong, Singapore and USA should be thru the IMPEX Coordinator. Schedule are as follows:
      • HONGKONG (HK) - Twice a month or every first and third Wednesdays of the month
      • SINGAPORE (SG) - Twice a month or every second and fourth Wednesdays of the month
      • USA - Weekly or every Wednesday

      In cases when goods or items cannot be sent thru above, regular postal service should be used and should have the approval of the Department Head/Business Unit Head.

  3. Travel

    Air Transport

    • Economy class should always be booked
      • Business class or first class transportation or accommodation is not allowed unless with MG's prior approval.
    • Airfare quotes from United Airlines, United Air Express and Qatar Airlines should only be included when it offers the cheapest option.
    • Banned Airline: Tiger Airways
    • The company shall not pay any excess baggage unless this has prior approval by the CEO.

    Hotel Expenses and Booking

    • The following hotel expenses shall not be paid by the company.
      • Consumption in the hotel mini-bar.
      • Calls from the hotel
    • Credit card (Kacy's or MG's) should be used when making a hotel booking. Use of "hotel voucher" is not allowed.
    • All Hotel bookings should go thru the Travel Desk or Sally for MG related travel plans.
  4. Personnel Traveling
    • Personnel traveling for the Company must be available to carry items from city to city. These items shall be limited to small electronic items/parts and/or stationery.
    • Mails and other important/official documents are to be sent through scheduled couriers or regular postal service mentioned in Item #2.
  5. Communication
    • When traveling out of the country, roaming services are not allowed. The following are the suggested means of communication:
      • IP Phone/Skype
      • Local cellphone service provider
    • Correspondence must follow business format i.e. not contain smileys, abbreviations, vulgar words or religious phrases, etc.
    • Emails must be in plain text and when using signatures, should be according to standard format.
    • Acknowledgment Report: To promote effective communication and ensure that items/documents sent by the Chief are received by the intended recipient, it is required that the person acknowledges receipt thereof by immediately sending an email to the Chief.
  6. Wiring Charges
    • Company shall only shoulder wiring charges charged by Bigfoot banks. Wiring charges charged by the vendor's or the consultant's bank should be for the account of the vendor or consultant.
  7. Credit Card Transactions
    • Reimbursement of expenses must be supported by the following original documents:
      • Official receipt or
      • Cash invoice
    • The company will not pay surcharges for conversion so use card of the the same currency.
  8. No Rental
    • Company will not pay for any rental of equipment, facilities and/or vehicle whether it is for production, a one-time event or party.
    • If there is any material and/or equipment needed, Company will source/purchase the item but subject to management's approval.
    • All equipment purchased for a production will be charged a minimum of 25% as the rent to the project it was purchased for.
  9. Vehicle Usage
    • Van usages of over 40 km, and/or airport pick-ups need MG's approval.
    • Use of the company jeepney should have MG's approval.
  10. Stay at Hollywood Suites/Annex and Casablanca Apartments
    • Company will not pay for mini-bar consumption unless with MG's approval.
    • The air conditioning unit and lights should always be turned off before leaving the room.
    • Guests of Hollywood Suites/Annex and Casablanca who are to be gone for certain nights must check out, otherwise they will be made to pay the corresponding excess hourly rate of the room.
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Travel Policy [View PDF]

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Usage of Company Vehicles [View PDF]

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24/7 Availability [View PDF]

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Policy on Video Distribution [View PDF]

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Sending Documents

All forms, resolutions and other corporate documents should only be sent as originals unless there is prior approval from MG to send scanned or faxed copy.
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Health, Security, and Safety Policies

Access Cards

Bigfoot issues ID and access cards to its employees to be worn at all times within Company premises and during Company related activities. These access cards are under each employee's accountability for purposes of identification and attendance monitoring. As such, the Company prohibits the following:
  1. Not wearing of the complete set of pass/ID and official sling.

  2. Wearing/using another employee's ID to gain entry/access inside the Company.

  3. Failure to log in during the time of arrival for work.

  4. Failure to log out during the time of departure for work.

  5. Logging another employee in or out, whether or not upon request or instruction. The employee logging in/out and the employee who made the request or instruction will both be subjected to disciplinary action.

  6. Failure to bring ID card.

  7. Losing of or damage to Company identification card, or key fob (The employee is required to pay for every loss/damage and submit an affidavit of loss; ID card life span is 3 years).

  8. Unauthorized possession of master keys and or pass codes of similar characteristics that can access any other employee's drawers, rooms, files and or offices.
Implementing Guidelines
  1. New employees, consultants, or trainees shall be given a temporary pass (as applicable) on their starting dates. The temporary pass must be surrendered upon acknowledgment of the employee/consultant/trainee ID with photo.

  2. The temporary pass/permanent ID attached to the official Company sling must be worn at all times inside Company or affiliate Company premises.

  3. Once issued, the temporary pass/permanent ID become part of an employee/consultant/trainee's accountabilities and are therefore non- transferable.

  4. Probationary and regular employees are assigned with a specific ID number based on the official date of employment. The system is as follows:
  5. Year - Month - Date - Employee Number (according to the number of persons hired within the year)
    E.g.: If Juan Dela Cruz is among 5 employees hired on January 1, 2004, provided that Juan is the first in the alphabetical list, then his ID number would be:
    04 - Year (2004); the last two digits
    01 - Month (January)
    01 - Date
    01 - Employee Number (within the year)
  6. Employees who fail to log in/out for work will be informed the following working day through a Failure to Log Notice, where the offending employee who committed the offense is required to fill out a Time Slip to be approved by the department head and submit to the HR office within the day no later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon; otherwise, the employee will be marked absent.

  7. Employees who forget to bring their ID are required to fill out a No ID/Access Card Form from the lobby guard to be submitted to the HR office for approval by the HR Head. Once approved, staff shall be issued with a temporary pass to be worn at all times within Company premises and must be surrendered the following working day to the HR office.

  8. Employees who lose their IDs whether due to negligence or natural and man-made calamities such as but not limited to fire, typhoon, flooding and insurgencies must fill out a No ID/Access Card Form from the lobby guard to be submitted to the HR office for approval by the HR Head. Once approved, the employee shall be issued with a temporary pass to be worn at all times within Company premises in the interim while the new Company ID is being processed. The concerned employee shall be asked to secure and submit an Affidavit of Loss within five (5) working days, and shoulder the expenses incurred in the processing of the replacement ID which costs Two hundred pesos (Php200.00). Once payment is made at the Cashier, concerned employee shall present the official receipt to HR to claim the new ID card. Upon release of the card, the temporary ID is to be handed over back to HR.
  1. Before the end of one's services from the Company, the employee, consultant or trainee is required to surrender one's ID and sling as part of one's accountabilities in the clearance process.
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    Access Control and Pass System

    The Company has defined the scope of and has established a system for personnel access within the vicinity of the Company. Entering restricted areas without proper authorization is subject to disciplinary action.

    Implementing Guidelines
    1. Personnel Control
    2. Staff Access Control (General Staff)
      1. A staff who has logged out from work and returns to the work areas, will be asked to log and sign in the lobby guard's record book.

      2. Roving guards shall conduct random verification on staff seen loitering within the facility during office and non-office hours for security purposes. Internal patrol beyond office hours is conducted aimed to document, monitor and readily provide security assistance to staff doing overtime work in their respective offices.

      3. Staff entering the Company premises during Saturdays, Sundays and identified Holidays for business other than to report on duty, shall be requested to log and sign in the lobby guard's record book. A staff may be subjected to random verification on sight by head guard/posted security guards.

      1. Supplier/Contractors will be issued a Supplier/Contractor Pass in exchange for a valid identification card and be allowed entry.

      2. All hand carried items will be subjected under routine security inspection and frisking as deemed necessary.

      3. Suppliers/Contractors upon leaving Bigfoot premises surrender the pass and claim identification card.

      Guests & Visitors Control
      1. Visitors and walk-in guests taken to a tour shall be issued a Guest Pass upon entry. Person in-charge of the tour shall coordinate with the Lobby Guard for the issuance of pass tags before entry is permitted. A valid identification shall be presented in exchange for a Guest Pass.

      2. Official Guided Tour should be defined as guests and potential clients who wish to acquire basic information about the facility.

      3. A standard route for the tour should be followed with strict observance on areas in the facility, defined as restricted or controlled areas.

      4. As the tour ends, Lobby guard shall collect the Guest Passes and returns the guest's identification cards in the presence of the person in-charge of the tour.

      5. Guided Tour done for new hires, OJT's and other Company - contracted personnel should be allowed in designated areas only. A representative from HR shall ensure that the tour is in order. The same Pass System & issuance shall apply for this activity unless otherwise already issued with temporary IDs.

      6. Personal visitors of staff shall be entertained only in the Lobby and will not be required any identification. Lobby guard calls in the staff concerned to meet his or her visitor in the Lobby.

      7. Personal visitors of staff may be allowed in offices with waiting areas and may be given a guided tour. Lobby guard shall issue a Guest Pass in exchange for a valid identification card.

      8. Personal visitors are not allowed to linger or wait at the work areas.
    3. Access Levels
    4. Restricted Area
      Access is totally PROHIBITED. Permitted entry may be considered only for a particular person in a supervisory capacity and one who exercises technical responsibility over the area. Access may be considered to high-level officers only.
      Controlled Area
      Access is permitted only to AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL or to employees or non-employees in the presence of authorized personnel. Access Control System is enforced or in place. Level of authority by virtue of position and rank is defined. Controlled time period of access may be in effect.
      Monitored Area
      Access is open. General Access Control and Monitoring System and contraptions are in place and implemented in random. Personnel movement under security observation.
      ID Sling Color Coding
      • BLUE sling with printed Bigfoot logos - Bigfoot staff
      • LIGHT BLUE sling (plain) - Guest/Visitor
      • YELLOW sling (plain) - Contractor/Supplier
      • ORANGE, MAROON, GREEN, GREY and RED - IAFT Student
    5. Area Identification and Classification. ((Bigfoot I.T. and Media Park; IAFT)

      Editing Suites*
      ADR / Foley Room**
      Network Operations Center
      EDP, EPS, Alarm Utilities Control Rm.
      Life Safety System Control Rooms
      CCTV/Viewing Rooms
      Generator Room/Power House
      Water Supply/Reservoir
      Elevator Room
      PABX/Communications Room
      General Cashier
      Cage (Equipment Areas)
      Systems Administration Areas
      Projector Room
      Main Machine Room
      A/V Control Area
      Roof Deck (Sound Stage)
      Electrical Rooms
      Executive Office
      Department Head Offices
      Lab/Training Rooms
      Sound Stage Areas
      Sub/Section Offices
      Technical Office
      Sound Stage Control Rm.
      Editing Suites
      Library / Classrooms
      Storage/Utility Rooms
      Theaters & Outlets
      Main Lobby
      Perimeter / Public Areas
      Parking Areas
      Parks & Grounds
      Stairs, Lifts & Hallways
      Break Out Rooms
      Lounging Areas
      Restrooms & Pantry
    * List of those with authorized access to the Editing Suites, subject to updating from time to time:
    - MG
    - Ashley Jordan
    - Gleb Livshits
    - Andrew McMennamy
    - Cheeno Orbida
    - David Conner
    - Ian James Fajardo
    - Jeson Sosoter
    - Karl Wallace
    - Karl Caudell
    - Martin Zapanta
    - Matt Ferguson
    - Mickey Macachor
    - Yip Marinduque
    - Ariel Chavez
    - Charles Lastierre
    - Earvin Baring
    - Jose Sison
    - Ritche Reas
    - Utility personnel - on scheduled cleaning hours, to be opened by anyone of those with access

    ** List of those who should be in the ADR and Foley, subject to updating from time to time:
    - David Conner
    - Karl Wallace
    - Mickey Macachor
    - Utility personnel - on scheduled cleaning hours
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    Infectious / Serious Disease

    Employees having any contagious disease which may endanger the health of other employees must immediately inform the Human Resource office. Concerned employee shall be immediately referred to a specialist for medical assessment and recommendation.
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    Company Medical Requirements

    For the Company to be aware of and be able to monitor the health and medical condition of its personnel, employees are required to undergo a series of medical examinations as part of the pre-employment requirements and the annual Company-wide medical examination. Willful disobedience to undergo medical examinations and other tests provided by the Company is considered an offense.
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    Cleanliness, Sanitation, and Hygiene

    It is the obligation of all employees to maintain cleanliness and sanitary condition anywhere within the premises of Bigfoot. Littering, scattering of garbage within Company premises or at any other Company-related events is not allowed and is subject to disciplinary action.

    Likewise, employees are required to practice proper personal hygiene and must report to work personally clean and well groomed.
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    No Smoking

    Smoking is strictly prohibited for employees, consultants, trainees, students and/or visitors in areas where gasoline, petroleum or highly flammable materials are stored or in such areas declared as "no smoking" zones.

    Implementing Guidelines
    1. Smoking of cigarettes/cigars is not allowed inside the building.

    2. Smoking is allowed outside, at open areas, at least ten (10) feet away from entrance/exit doors.

    3. Smoking is not allowed near the generator set area.

    4. Cigarette butts must be properly disposed at trash bins.
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    Fire Emergency Plan [View PDF]

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    Parking Policy [View PDF]

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    Communication Policies

    Daily Follow Up Policy

    To avoid omissions and/or undue delay of any task, assignment or project due to failure to secure timely approval from respective heads or duly designated approving parties, the daily follow up of staff until such approval is granted is now required as part of the company's communications policy.

    In the same manner, the policy also extends to require staff to consistently provide timely status updates of pending assignments, tasks and/or projects to their respective superiors and clients.

    For example, for approval of flight bookings, Travel Desk is required to follow up on a daily basis with the COO/CEO or Bigfoot Chief until the necessary approval for booking is secured. At the same time, they are also required to inform direct supervisors concerned on cases wherein they are unable to secure the approval. The same applies for purchase orders as well as any item, issue or work-related matter that needs prior approval.
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    Mediums of Communication

    Bulletin Boards and Print Materials
    Employees who wish to post and/or circulate informational materials in the form of posters, flyers, etc. must obtain prior authorization from the Human Resource Department.

    Unauthorized putting up of notices, announcements, posters, placards or other similar materials and/or distributing leaflets or flyers within Company premises is considered a misconduct and shall be subjected to proper disciplinary action.
    Department Meetings
    Departments may conduct departmental-level meetings to address and discuss issues relevant to the department and maintain coordination among its members.
    General Assembly
    A general assembly presided by the Chief Executive Officer and/or the Chief Operating Officer may be held at least once a year. Agenda of this general meeting shall include organizational updates/announcements, general concerns, and an open forum where employees and management can discuss and exchange ideas on issues raised.
    Open Door Policy
    Bigfoot observes an open door policy and welcomes anytime employees who have work-related or personal concerns or grievances, or have counseling needs. Employees are encouraged to bring these concerns or issues up with one's supervisor, department head, or Human Resource Director.
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    Email Name and Address

    Employees must observe the established standard on email names and email addresses.
    Implementing Guidelines
    1. The email name must be formatted with the individual's first name followed by the last name.
      • If the individual has more than one first name, only one name must appear according to what the individual is most comfortable using. Using of a nickname is acceptable only when the individual is commonly known by the nickname instead of the first name.
      • E.g. 1: Using of (One) First Name
        John Joseph Doe's email name must appear as "John Doe"
        E.g. 2: Using of Nickname
        Matthew Johnson's display name must appear as "Matt Johnson".
    2. The email address must be formatted in a way that the first name is followed by a dot then the lastname and the domain, all written in lower case letters. The name used for the email address must be the same as the individual's display name. E.g. john.doe@bigfootstudios.com for John Doe.
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    Email Usage

    Employees must observe standards in using the corporate email account in official correspondences.
    1. Email correspondence must be formatted in Plain Text to minimize the size of the email communications.
    2. Systems Administration personnel cannot observe the contents of the Email communications except when called for during official investigation and/or as approved by the department head.
    3. Users of electronic communications services should not:
      1. Send or forward electronic mail chain letters or their equivalents in other services
      2. "Spam," that is, exploit electronic communications systems for purposes beyond their intended scope to amplify the widespread distribution of unsolicited electronic communications
      3. "Letter-bomb," that is, send an extremely large message or send multiple electronic communications to one or more recipients to interfere with the recipients' use of electronic communications systems and services
      4. Intentionally engage in other practices such as "denial of service attacks" that impede the availability of electronic communications services
      5. Attach audio, video, picture files, applications, archives and any attachment exceeding 3 MB (unless approved by the Department Head and work-related)
      6. Attach viruses and/or malicious scripts
      7. Install non-essential plug-ins and features to email client (E.g. hotbar, smiley central, skins, cursors, screensavers, etc.)
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    Email Signature

    Employees must observe correct format in setting up individual email signature. Implementing Guidelines
    1. Default Settings
      1. Set all emails to Plain Text (see highlight 1).
      2. Email signatures for replies and forwards are optional (see highlight 2); but email signature should be included if needed (see previous below on replying and forwarding).
      3. Click on "Fonts..." and set to 10 pt Courier New (see highlight 3).
    2. Signatures When Composing, Replying and Forwarding Mails
      1. Email signature is required when sending original mails externally or internally.
      2. If it is your first reply on a specific email thread then the email signature is necessary. On succeeding replies to the same recipient, you may not include your email signature anymore.
      3. When forwarding mails externally, an email signature is required. For internal forwarded mails, an email signature is not necessary.
    3. Signature Format
      First name Item 1
      - - - - - - - - - Item 2
      First Name Last Name - email address Item 3
      Job title Item 4

      (Single space)
      Company name Item 5
      Office Address Item 6

      (Single space)
      212-XXX-XXXX Ext. XXXX Item 7
      212-XXX-XXXX Fax Item 8

      Items 1 and 2: First Name
      Employees with two first names must use only one in the email
      signature. The first name is underlined with the same number of "-" as
      with the number of letters on the first name.

      - - - -

      Item 3: First Name, Last Name - Email Address
      The full name and the email address are separated by a blank, hyphen and another blank. Display your default email address set by Systems Administration.

      John Doe - john.@bogfootstudios.com

      Item 4: Job Title
      The job title should be completely spelled out without abbreviation.

      Systems Administrator

      Item 5: Company Name
      The applicable company name should be written as specified below:

      Fashion One Television Ltd.
      Fashion One LLC.
      Bigfoot Entertainment Pte. Ltd.
      Bigfoot Studios, Inc.
      Bigfoot Properties, Inc.

      Item 6: Office Addresses

      - For those actually working in Miami:
      1451 Ocean Drive
      Suite 200
      Miami Beach, FL 33139
      - For those based in other parts of the United States and for those who communicate globally:
      246 West Broadway

      New York, NY 10013
      - For those based in Hong Kong:
      4/F C. Wisdom Centre
      37 Hollywood Road, Central
      Hong Kong
      - For those working under Bigfoot Entertainment Pte. Ltd. in Singapore:
      21 Emerald Hill Road
      Singapore 229303
      - For staff working for Fashion One based in Cebu, Singapore, etc. (except those in the US 
      and Hong Kong and those who communicate globally):
      Fashion One Television Ltd.
      New York | Antwerp | Hong Kong
      - For Bigfoot staff working under a Philippine entity, based in Cebu (except those working for 
      Fashion One and those who communicate globally):
      One Hollywood Blvd.
      Bigfoot I.T. and Media Park
      6015 Lapu-Lapu City

      Item 7 and 8: Phone and Fax Number

      The phone number and fax number to be used must correspond with the address one is qualified to use per Item 6.

      Should staff be based in location different from address he needs to use and expect to be called or encourages people to call, email content should state:

      "If you want to give me a call, I am currently located in our facility in Asia, but you can still reach me on my number below."

      Or, if the recipient is in a country where the sender has a direct number, then:

      "If you want to give me a call, I am currently located in our facility in Asia, but you can still reach me on my number below, or my direct number in Hong Kong +852-5808-3454."

      The use of the proper format for the phone/fax numbers should be followed. Dots are to be used to separate the numbers. There should be no space between a number and a dot and vice versa.

      Those who have not been assigned a phone are to leave Items 7 and 8 blank.

    4. Signature Samples
      Example 1: (Miami-based)
      Matt Jordan - matt@onemodelplace.com
      General Manager
      OneModelPlace.com? Ltd.
      1451 Ocean Drive Suite 200
      Miami Beach, FL 33139
      +1-877-667-6700 Direct
      Example 2: (New York address)
      a. Based New York and in other parts of the US
      Samantha Garibaldi - samantha@fashionone.com
      Project Manager
      Fashion One Productions LLC
      246 West Broadway

      New York, NY 10013
      +1-212-327-1654 Ext. 3146
      +1-212-6560-1828 Fax
      b. Communicate globally
      Andrew Mc Mennamy ? amcmennamy@bigfootstudios.com
      Head of Studios
      Fashion One Productions LLC.
      246 West Broadway
      New York, NY 10013
      +1-212-327-1654 Ext. 3605
      +1-212-656-1828 Fax
      Example 3: (HK based)
      Rodellia Mediodia - rodellia@fashionone.com
      Fashion One Television Ltd.
      4/F C. Wisdom Centre
      37 Hollywood Road, Central
      Hong Kong
      +852-5808-3468 Phone
      +852-3015-8536 Fax
      Example 4: (Singapore-based with Bigfoot Entertainment Pte. Ltd.)
      Petra Bauernfeind - petra@bigfootcorp.com
      Bigfoot Entertainment Pte. Ltd.
      21 Emerald Hill Road
      Singapore 229303
      +65-3158-3444 Office
      +65-3158-3416 Direct
      +65-6491-5442 Fax
      Example 5: (Cebu based working with Fashion One)
      Judy Bacaro ? judy@fashionone.com
      Assistant to the COO
      Fashion One Television Ltd.
      New York | Antwerp | Hong Kong
       +852-5808-3400 Office
       +852-5808-3475 Direct
       +852-3015-8536 Fax
      Example 6: (Cebu based)
      Karen Fernandez - karen@bigfootstudios.com
      Human Resource Officer
      Bigfoot Studios, Inc.
      One Hollywood Blvd.
      Bigfoot I.T. and Media Park
      6015 Lapu-Lapu City
      +63-32-495-9111 Ext. 3609
      +63-32-495-4650 Fax
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    Email Correspondence

    Employees must observe and follow proper format and layout in email correspondences.
    Implementing Guidelines
    1. Name of the recipient of the email must be spelled out correctly. Whenever uncertain of the spelling, the sender must demonstrate initiative to inquire as to the correct spelling.

    2. For external communications, email recipients must be addressed appropriately, like the use of "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Dr." or "Atty.". The use of first name is allowed provided the following: sender and recipient have established a degree of familiarity; recipient is a personal friend or when the recipient expressed the preference to be called by his/her first name.

    3. In cases when the name of the Chief needs to be mentioned in a correspondence with internal people at Bigfoot and affiliates, he may be referred to as the "Chief" or "MG" however, he should always be "Mr. Gleissner" for any unrelated entities like contractors, law firms, accounting firms, banks etc.

    4. The use of "Hi" or "Hello" in the salutation can be used for personal acquaintances but not in a business communication. For a friendly, sociable tone, a comma is used. In business correspondences, the salutation addresses the recipient of the letter and is followed by a colon. The use of "Dear Sir or Madame" or the committee name or position may be used if the gender of the recipient is not known.

    5. The use of proper spelling, grammar and punctuation is important since it presents an impression of the Company and the sender. This is to avoid conveying a professionally inappropriate message.

    6. Structure and layout must also be observed. When enumerating or when making points, bullets or numbering may be used. The use of short paragraph and blank lines between each paragraph may also be practiced.

    7. Use the High Priority Option sparingly as its function will be diminished if overused. Furthermore, the message will seem aggressive if it comes with a "High Priority" flag.

    8. Avoid writing in high capitals. It might convey a message that you are angry or shouting.

    9. State the business purpose right away. When sending out official emails, the recipient's first concern is to know what the letter is all about and its purpose.

    10. When responding to an email, identify the mail by stating its subject in the first sentence of the paragraph. You must also include the original email when replying.

    11. Use of the "Reply to all" is done only when the message needs to be seen by each person.

    12. Prevent the use of abbreviations. The recipient might not be aware of the meanings of these abbreviations and the use of abbreviation and emoticons are not appropriate in business emails.

    13. Know when to use the Cc and Bcc field. Try using the Bcc field sparingly. Recipients in the Cc and Bcc filed must know why they are part of the communication.

    14. Read the email before sending it. This is to avoid distributing emails containing grammar and spelling mistakes.
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    Out-of-Office Auto-Reply

    Employees must set up an "Out-of-office" auto-reply message when on field duty or when unable to access one's email account over an extended period of time due to vacation, production shoot, training, conference, etc.

    Implementing Guidelines

    1. In the event of a projected leave of absence, the employee is advised to activate an auto-reply message in one's email account before availing the leave.

    2. Set up the out-of-office message using Google with url:
      1. Log into your Gmail email account
      2. Select 'Settings' from the right pane
      3. The 'Vacation responder' should be visible
      4. Select 'Vacation responder on' and type in the message which contains the following information:
        • Date of return for work
        • Contact information or person
        • Sample:
          I am currently out of the office until [day and date]. If you need immediate assistance, you may reach me at mobile number +63.9XX.XXX.XXXX or contact [name of officemate whom you have endorsed important matters to].
          [Your name and email signature]
        • Select the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom of the screen

    3. The auto-reply message must be deactivated upon employee's return for work.
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    Instant Messenger

    Employees are allowed to use an official instant messenger for work-related purposes only in order to keep open the lines of internal communication.

    Implementing Guidelines

    1. Other than Skype, no alternative instant messenger programs may be installed in one's computer.
    2. The correct format for the Skype name, bf.firstname.lastname, must be properly observed.
    3. Instead of the complete name, the same bf.firstname.lastname format must be observed in filling out the full name field of the user's Skype profile.
    4. Only Bigfoot employees and authorized external contacts (e.g. suppliers, clients, etc.) must be found in the contact list.
    5. Through Skype, one can make voice calls/conferences or send instant messages. However, Skype must only be used for work-related purposes during office hours.
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    Phone Etiquette

    Employees must observe a customer-oriented standard in answering and handling phone calls.

    Implementing Guidelines

    1. Answer the phone call promptly after no more than three rings. Take the initiative to answer unattended calls.

    2. In answering a call, employees are encouraged to use the following greeting: "Thank you for calling (department), this is (name), how may I help you?"

    3. When transferring a call, it is best to say, "Please hold for a moment while I transfer your call" and stay on the line whenever transferring a caller. This lets you explain the situation to the co-worker you're sending the message to.

    4. If the party requested is not available, take the caller's name, contact number, time of call and always offer to return the call. Don't ask the requesting party to call back; take the message instead.

    5. Always speak audibly. Do not chew or have conversation with other people while attending to a call.

    6. Avoid using the phone speaker. It will only cause distraction to your officemates.

    7. End the call politely with a "Thank you" or "Goodbye".
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    English Only

    Employees must adhere to the standard of Bigfoot in using English as the only language for verbal and written communications inside Company premises and during Company related activities.

    Implementing Guidelines

    1. All employees are required to use the English language as a medium for verbal and written communication inside the Company premises and during Company-related activities outside of the building.

    2. The rule is not applicable only if the external person (guest or visitor) is not capable or willing to use the English language to communicate with the employee.
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    Business Writing

    A business letter has so much to say about an organization. The quality of the  paper, letterhead design, the margins and spacing are no trivial factors. A  weakness in any of these elements can diminish the effectiveness of the communication.
    In order to uphold the company's standard of professionalism, the following guidelines in business writing are hereby implemented:
    1. The use of block format in business letters is highly suggested. Using this format, there is no indentation. The entire letter is left justified and the body is single-spaced except for double space in between paragraphs.
    2. Observe one inch margin on all four edges of the letter.
    3. Use the company's official letterhead and paper.
    4. The company address should be on the top right, below the Bigfoot logo. In the attached sample, our US entity with its address and contact numbers are stated. If you are to send out a letter from Singapore or the Philippines, the name of the entity, address and contact number should be changed accordingly. When sending a local document (i.e. a letter sent from Hong Kong to Hong Kong), the country code in the contact numbers both in the letterhead header and in the body of the letter should be omitted.
    5. As with all other types of business correspondence, take special attention to use correct spelling and punctuation, an appropriate tone, and right grammar. Careless errors may cause the reader to believe that there are also errors in the facts; consequently, the writer loses credibility.
    6. A business letter is not the place to try out fancy fonts or experimental writing styles. Use Arial or Times New Roman, not smaller than size 10.
    7. Avoid jargon, abbreviations, acronyms and technical terms (unless necessary). Do not use any language that your reader may not understand.
    8. Do not use emoticons and/or smileys.
    9. Use company envelope for external parties only, and label properly.
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    Corporate Addresses

    For contracts, trademark registrations, etc. of any US entity:

    246 West Broadway
    New York, NY 10013

    For regular shipment to the US:

    Fashion One LLC

    New York:
    246 West Broadway
    New York, NY 10013

    1451 Ocean Drive
    Suite 200
    Miami Beach, FL 33139

    For entities based in other parts of the United States other than Miami:

    (Company Name)
    246 West Broadway
    New York, NY 10013

    For Hong Kong entities:

    (Company Name)
    4/F C. Wisdom Centre
    37 Hollywood Road, Central
    Hong Kong

    For Singapore contracts, email signature, etc.

    Bigfoot Entertainment Pte. Ltd.
    21 Emerald Hill Road
    Singapore 229303

    For Singapore mailing:

    Bigfoot Entertainment Pte. Ltd.
    #09-07 The Orchard Residences
    238 Orchard Boulevard
    Singapore 237973

    For Philippine entities:

    (Company Name)
    One Hollywood Blvd.
    Bigfoot I.T. and Media Park
    6015 Lapu-Lapu City
    Cebu, Philippines

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    Contacting Models [View PDF]

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    Acknowledgement Report [View PDF]

    back to top +

    Using the Updated Company Address [View PDF]

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    IP Phone System Guidelines

    The new IP phone system allows transfer of calls, extension dialing, conference in people etc. For example, you do not need to dial the ENTIRE number if you want to call other extensions, just dial the 4 digit extensions - i.e. 2288

    Some significant differences include:

    • inbound numbers are available for many more countries than just the U.S.  While it does not yet support numbers from the Philippines, it is possible to assign Hong Kong and Singapore numbers to each extensions (also numbers from UK, France, South Africa etc.)

    • international calls have to be dialed the "European" way, with 00 + country code

    For example, to call the U.S. number 310-593-4414 , you should dial: 001-310-593-4414
    Same goes if you need to dial a HK number: 00 + country code which is 852  for Hong Kong.

    For Example:

    00-852-2545-7000 for our Hong Kong main number
    Should you have problem ascertaining the country code, click this link


    While all calls between our extensions (regardless where they are) are free, international calls are NOT. Use of the phone is strictly for BUSINESS CALLS only.


    Dial 445 from your IP Phone and select 0 from the voicemail menu. You will need to make a personalized voicemail greeting, similar to: "Hello, this is (YOUR NAME) with (BUSINESS ENTITY), I am sorry I cannot attend to your call, but please leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible"

    After you have recorded your greeting, be sure to follow the operator's instructions closely to save your greeting. Once the greeting is finished and saved, you will be ready to start using your phone.


    To check your voicemail messages, dial 445 and press 1 (then follow the instructions).


    To transfer call via your IP Phone to other users/IP Phone extensions, do the following: Press "transfer" from your CISCO IP Phone then the extension number. Wait for someone to answer then press "transfer" button again. Then hung up the phone.

    Click here for Call Rates
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    Mailing / Shipping Policy [View PDF]


    All mails should be sent via regular mail.
    - EQUIPMENT or bulky stuff like Cyberbox, POE injector, etc. via SLOW BOAT


    1. CONTRACTS going to problematic countries should be sent via DHL or
      FedEx. Other countries like in Western Europe can be sent via HK
      Speedpost (from Hong Kong), USPS (from the US)
    2. Amazon order/s fulfillment.
    3. Pre-approved regular shipment between offices i.e. Singapore to
      Hong Kong and Hong Kong to Miami Office and Cebu to New York.


    The office manager or the sender must ensure to comply the following:

    1. Airway Bill completely and properly filled out (this can be hand
      written or typewritten).
    2. Uses a standardized address sticker (Fashion One or Bigfoot) that
      has both the recipient's address and the return address (should be
      printed using LaserJet printer).
    3. The sender should then send out an OUTGOING SHIPMENT NOTIFICATION
      to Mr. Gleissner and the recipient/s, on the same day the items are
      sent out. This can be done at 1700H or before the office closes.

    (Send email to Mr. Gleissner and copy other recipients of mails and/or packages)


    Subject line: Outgoing Shipment Notification - September 5, 2013

    Dear all,

    The following were shipped out today, September 5, 2013


    Sent to address --- Dr. Sarah Shiera | Ukraine

    Shipping method --- By FedEx | Courier

    Tracking no. ------ 801148278616

    Tracking Link ----- https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?tracknumbers=801148278616

    Content(s) -------- Power of Attorney x 1

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    Format of Writing Telephone Numbers

    1. Group numbers according to the standard grouping in corresponding country.
    2. Grouped numbers should be separated with a dash (-).
    3. When writing the number to someone in a country other than where you are, the country (and area) code has to be pre-fixed otherwise, it can be dropped.
      • Examples of writing telephone numbers with country code:
        • +1-212-327-1654
        • +852-5808-3468
      • Examples of writing telephone numbers without country code:
        • 495-9111
        • 212-327-1654
    4. When writing the contact details, add "Phone", "Direct" or "Fax", whichever is applicable, after the numbers or "Ext." plus the extension number.
      • Examples:
      • +65-3158-3444 Office
        +65-3158-3416 Direct
        +65-6491-5442 Fax
        495-9111 Ext. 3603
    5. This has to be implemented in all written and online materials; correspondence; and email signatures.
    back to top +

    Communication Manual [View PDF]

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    Information Technology Policies


    Using Removable Storage Media including Diskettes and Discs
    Only personnel who are authorized to install or modify software shall use removable media to transfer data to/from the Company's network. Any other persons shall require specific written authorization.
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    Working Offsite or Using Outsourced Processing

    Day-to-Day Use of Portable Computers
    Portable computers are to be issued to, and used only by, authorized employees and only for the purpose for which they are issued. The information stored on the portable computer is to be suitably protected all the times.
    Working from Home or Other Off-Site Location
    Off-site computer usage, whether at home or at other locations, may only be used upon authorization of line management. Usage is restricted to business purposes, and users must be aware of and accept the terms and conditions of use, which must include the adoption of adequate and appropriate information security measures.
    Moving Hardware from One Location to Another
    Any movement of hardware between the Company's locations is to be strictly controlled by authorized personnel.
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    Other Hardware Issues

    Clear Screen Policy
    All users workstations, desktop computers, or portables are to ensure that their screens are locked when not in use.
    Login and Logout from your Computer
    Approved login procedures must be strictly observed and users must first lock access to their workstation or logout from the computer completely before leaving their screen unattended.
    Dealing with Answering Machines/Voice Mail
    Sensitive or confidential information must not be recorded on Answering machine/Voice Mail systems.
    Taking Equipment off Company Premises
    Only authorized personnel are permitted to take equipment belonging to the Company off the premises; they are responsible for its security at all times.
    Cleaning of Keyboards and Screens
    Only suitable and approved cleaning materials are to be used on equipment owned by the Company.
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    Controlling Access to Information and Systems

    Giving Access to Files and Documents
    Access to information and documents is to be carefully controlled, ensuring that only authorized personnel may have access to sensitive information.
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    Purchasing and Installing Software

    Using Licensed Software
    To comply with legislation and to ensure ongoing vendor support, the terms and conditions of all End User License Agreements are to be strictly adhered to.
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    Software Maintenance & Upgrade

    Upgrading Software
    Qualified personnel must properly test upgrades to software before they are used in a live environment.
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    Avoiding Litigation

    Using Copyrighted Information from the Internet
    Information from the Internet or other electronic sources may not be used without authorization from the owner of the copyright.
    Sending Copyrighted Information Electronically
    Information from the Internet or other electronic sources may not be used without authorization from the owner of the copyright.
    Using Text directly from Reports, Books, or Documents
    Texts form reports, books or documents may not be reproduced or reused without permission from the copyright owner.
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    Confidential Personnel Data

    Respecting Privacy in the Workplace
    Notwithstanding the Company's respect for employee's privacy in the workplace, it reserves the right to have access to all information created and stored on the Company's systems.
    Handling Confidential Employee Information
    All employee data is to be treated as strictly confidential and made available to only properly authorized persons.
    Sharing Employee Information with Other Employees
    Employee data may only be released to persons specifically authorized to receive this information.
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    Personnel Information Security Responsibilities

    Keeping Passwords/PIN Numbers Confidential
    All personnel must treat passwords as private and highly confidential. Non- compliance with this policy could result in disciplinary action.
    Using Email for Personal Reasons
    The use of email for personal use is discouraged and should be kept to a minimum.
    Using Telephone Systems for Personal Reasons
    Personal calls on the telephone systems are to be minimized and limited to urgent or emergency use only.
    Using the Company's Toll Access for Personal Use
    The use of the Company's toll access will be monitored for inappropriate call patterns, unexpected costs, and excessive personal use.
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