Finance - Asset Management
When is the transfer of assets considered final?
How do I file an Asset Incident Report?
- Download the file from the intranet
- Fill in the initial details/information
- Forward to Asset Management for other other details and for issuance of a control number for the form
- Have the approvers sign/approve
- Submit to Asset Management
How do I transfer assets online?
- Log on to http://assets/bf-e.net/index.php
- Click on asset transaction tab
- Input the name of the receiver on the "transfer to" field
- Select the asset/s to be transferred through the checkbox on the left
Who do I ask/go to regarding assets?
What is an asset confirmation?
This is the quarterly exercise of re-validating asset accountability.How do I confirm assets?
- On the Accounted Assets screen, click on "Unconfirmed Assets".
- Click on the assets you wish to confirm.
- Go to the bottom of the page and click “Confirm”.
How do I know what are my accountable assets?
- Log on to http://assets.bf-e.net/ using your local network log in.
- Select "Asset" on the portal
- Click on Accounted Assets, where you could see both confirmed and unconfirmed assets.
When the transfer has been approved by the final approver.
The Assets Management Team at the Finance Department located at the Mezzanine Floor of the Main Building
i. The confirmed assets are your accountable assets.
ii. The unconfirmed ones are for your verification.
4. Once you confirm, this becomes part of your accountability.