Finance - Office Supplies

  • Where and with whom can I inquire the status of my office supplies request?

  • You may make inquiries at the Finance/Purchasing  Department  with the following personnel:
    1. Junary Banaylo
    2. Reinan Lato
    3. Emily Malalay

  • How do I file a request or avail of office supplies which are not currently in stock at the Finance Department?

    1. Submit a request for office supplies to your department's designated PRS personnel.
    2. Designated PRS personnel shall compile the request for the entire department.
    3. Designated PRS personnel shall make a formal request via online PRS system.
    4. Allow 2-3 days lead time for the order.

  • When is the official releasing time of office supplies?

    1. Between 10:00 to 11:00 in the morning; and
    2. Between 3:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon.

  • How do we request for office supplies?

    1. Fill in a requisition form which is available in Finance or downloadable from the intranet.
    2. List all office supplies needed
    3. Have the form signed/approved by your department head
    4. Submit the form within the time for releasing of office supplies
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