HR - Employee Relations and Training

  • What is a Notice to Explain (NTE)?

  • An NTE is a document requiring a written explanation, usually within 48 hours, about a specific work-related issue or incident that was reported to HR such as infraction against a company policy or procedure or non-performance of assigned task, misconduct, among others.

    An NTE provides you the opportunity to clarify any issue raised against you, and allows you to present evidence or witnesses to prove your innocence so that the investigation body can take it into consideration in its determination as to whether or not an infraction was indeed committed by you and if a disciplinary action will be imposed on you as a result.

  • What triggers the issuance of NTE?

  • A written report submitted to HR by a department head, supervisor, co-employee, or client about a work-related issue or incident which involves you. It will include relevant facts such as when, where and how the incident occurred and who are the witnesses, if any.

  • What happens if I do not answer an NTE within the required timeframe?

  • In effect, you lose the opportunity to explain your side and present evidence which may absolve you of wrongdoing. The case shall be decided based only on the information that was reported to HR.

  • What is a Disciplinary Action Notice (DAN)?

  • After an investigation of a case brought about by an NTE is concluded and the findings affirm that you committed an infraction or wrongdoing, a written document referred to as DAN will be issued. It contains a summary of the decision as well as the applicable penalties that will be imposed on you.

  • Can I file an appeal about a DAN issued to me?

  • No, you cannot file an appeal since a DAN is deemed final and executory.

  • What is a training bond?

  • Depending on the cost of training spent by the company, a training bond may be imposed requiring you to serve a specific number of months within the course of your employment as a result of the benefit gained from the training.

    Below PHP 10,000 *Subject to accumulation
    PHP 10,000 to PHP 20,000 Six (6) months
    PHP 20,001 to PHP 50,000 Nine (9) months
    PHP 50,001 to PHP 100,000 One (1) year
    PHP 100,001 to PHP 150,000 One (1) year and six (6) months
    PHP 150,001 to PHP 200,000 Two (2) years
    Above PHP 200,000 Three (3) years

    Training expenses of less than PHP 10,000 per training shall be added together until the sum amounts to PHP 10,000 or above.

    Every time the accumulated training expenses reaches PHP 10,000 or above, you shall serve a bond period of six months to take effect retroactively on the date of the first training. If the period between the first and the recent training that sum up no less than PHP 10,000 is more than 6 months, then the bond period will no longer be served.

  • What happens if I resign or I am separated from the company before completing the required bond period?

  • As a result of the pre-termination, you shall be liable to pay outright the pro-rated cost of the training expense based on the unserved portion of the bond period.

  • I want to attend a training workshop or seminar. How do I go about it?

    1. Secure and fill out a Training Request Form (TRF) from HR Department.
    2. Have your immediate supervisor or department head approve or endorse the request.
    3. Submit the duly accomplished TRF to HR Department for processing, as final approval of the Chief Operating Officer is required.

  • What happens if I do not process or complete the processing of clearance?

  • Non-accomplishment of clearance shall result to withholding of your final pay and all other entitlements or benefits, non-issuance of certificate of employment or internship and a negative written entry on your 201 file. The company may also initiate legal action against you for claims on damages or for failure to return company-issued assets or breach of contract.

  • How do I go about the resignation or separation process?

    1. Submit a resignation letter to your immediate supervisor indicating your reason and the effective date of your resignation.
    2. Furnish the Chief Human Resource Officer with a copy bearing the acceptance of your immediate superior.
    3. Wait for an official acceptance letter from the Chief HR Officer, which comes with an Exit Interview and Clearance forms.
    4. Fill out the forms and process your clearance by obtaining the required signatures of designated staff.
    5. Return the duly accomplished forms to HR Department.

    Please see Exit Procedure for further details.