ICT - Helpdesk

  • How do I create or edit my email signature in Bigfoot Studios Webmail?

    1. Login to your Bigfoot Studios Webmail account at: http://mail.bigfootstudios.com
    2. Once logged in, click on the Settings link on the upper right-hand Menu
    3. Within the General Settings tab, you will see the Signature section
    4. In the Signature field, you can create or edit your email signature
    5. After creating or making the necessary changes to your email signature, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Save Changes' button.

    Your signature will now appear on all emails that you send from Bigfoot Studios Webmail

  • How do I change my Primary Email Address in Entourage?

    1. Open Entourage and go to ‘Tools’ in the Menu bar.
    2. Under the Tools Menu click on the ‘Accounts’ option.
    3. The Accounts Window will appear on your screen and prompt you.
    4. Click on the 'Local Exchange' configured in this window.
    5. Choose ‘Edit’ (found on the Accounts Window Menu Bar).
    6. The Edit Account Window will appear on your screen and prompt you.
    7. You may now change your ‘E-mail Address’ found under the Personal Information section of the window.
    8. DO NOT FORGET TO click ‘OK’ to save the changes made.
    Sample: david.overton@bigfoot.com.ph Change to: david.overton@bigfoot.net

  • How do I set my Mail Format as Plain Text in Entourage?

    1. Open Entourage. 
    2. Click 'Entourage' on the Main Menu Bar and choose 'Preferences'.
    3. The Preference window will open then choose ?Compose? under ?Mail and News Preferences?.
    4. You will see an option for ?Mail Format?, Choose ?Plain Text? as your mail format. 
    5. After changing your ?Mail Format?, choose ?Fonts? under ?General Preferences.?
    6. Under ?Plain text messages? choose Courier New at 10 pts.
    7. Click ?OK? to save changes.

  • How do I create or edit an email signature in OWA (Outlook Web Access)?

    1. Open your browser, e.g Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer.
    2. Go to the URL: https://owa.bf-e.com/exchange
    3. Type in your account name and password and log on.
    4. Choose the ?Options? Menu in the side bar.
    5. Under the ?Messaging Options? you can create or edit your email signature.
    6. DO NOT FORGET TO ?Save Changes? before you log off.

  • How do I create or edit my Email Signature in Entourage?

    1. Open Entourage then go to ‘Tools’ in the Menu bar, and click on the 'Signature' option.
    2. The Signature Window will prompt.
      1. If you already have a Signature configured and you just want to edit this signature, choose ‘Edit’ on the Signature Window Menu bar.
      2. If you want to create a new signature, choose 'New' on the Signature window Menu Bar.
    3. A new window will open and you can now either choose to Edit a configured signature, or create a new signature.
      1. You can create or change the name of this specified signature to make it easier for you to identify under the 'Name' field.
    4. After creating or making the necessary changes to your email signature, close the edit window by clicking on the Cancel or Red button.
    5. The save option window will prompt, then click ‘Save’ to save the changes made.

  • How do I change my email account password?

    1. Go to https://owa.bf-e.com/exchange and login to your account in OWA (Outlook Web Access), using your current credentials.
      1. Your user name is usually setup as 'your first name and the first letter of your last name'.
      2. Your initial password was given to you.
    2. Once you're logged in, choose 'Options' in the Menu side bar.
    3. Under the 'Password' section, click on 'Change Password'.
    4. A new window will pop-up as 'Internet Service Manager'.
    5. Under the 'Domain' field, write: filmschool
    6. Under the 'Account' field, write: 'your user name'
    7. You can now change your password by supplying your old password and the new password you like.
    8. Click 'OK' and you are done.

  • Who do I contact when I need help with a technical problem?

  • You can contact the ICT Department and report any IT related problems  or request through the Service Desk.

    The Service Desk is open from Sunday to Saturday 7:00AM to 2:00AM the following day.

    Trouble Ticket website: http://helpdesk.filmscool.cbu

    Skype: bf.servicedesk.5111

    email: servicedesk@bigfoot.net

  • What is ICT?

  • Information and Communications Technology